#6 - Python Functions

#6 - Python Functions

By Ifeanyi Omeata


1. Functions
2. Functions - Named Notation
3. Functions - Return keyword

1. Functions

>>Return to Menu
A function is a code block that only executes when it is invoked. Parameters are data that can be passed into a function. As a result, a function can return data.

def greeting(name,age=28):
    print("Hello " + name + ", you are " + str(age) + "!")
    print(f"Hello {name}, you are {age}!")

name = input("Enter your name: ")    

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2. Functions - Named Notation

>>Return to Menu

def greeting(name, age=28, color="red"):
 #Greets user withnamefrominput boxand “age”, if unavailable, default age is used   
    print(f"Hello {name.capitalize()}, you will be {age+1} next birthday!")
    print(f"We hear you like the color {color.lower()}!")

greeting(age=30, name="mike",color="Red")

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3. Functions - Return keyword

>>Return to Menu

#No returned value
def value_added_tax_1(amount):
    tax = amount * 0.25
    total_amount = amount * 1.25

#Returned value
def value_added_tax_2(amount):
    tax = amount * 0.25
    total_amount = amount * 1.25
    return tax, total_amount    



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