#5 - Python Sets

#5 - Python Sets

By Ifeanyi Omeata


1. Sets

1. Sets

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Set is one of Python's four built-in data types for storing collections of data; the other three are List, Tuple, and Dictionary, all of which have different properties and applications.
A set is a collection of items that is unordered, unchangeable, and unindexed.
Curly brackets are used to write sets.
Note: A Set is not a Dictionary!

- Unordered:
Items do not have a defined order, and that order will continually change every time you use them, and cannot be referred to by index or key. If you add new items to a set, the new items may not be placed at the end of the set.

- Unchangeable:
We cannot change items in a set after it has been created. However, you can remove items and add new items.

- Do not allow Duplicates:
Sets are unindexed, hence they cannot have two items with the same value or repeated items.

#empty Set
#empty_set = {} # this is wrong, this is a dictionary
empty_set = set()

friends_set = {'John','Michael','Terry','Eric','Graham'}
people_set = {'Eric','Reg','Loretta','Colin','Graham'}

#print a set
#Items that are found in both sets
print(friends_set & people_set)
#Items that are found in first but not second set
print(friends_set - people_set)
#Items that are only found in one set
print(friends_set ^ people_set)
#Join two sets together
print(friends_set | people_set)



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